Meditation Teacher Training

We are now accepting applications for our Winter 2025!

The Boston Buddha’s, Meditation For Everyone  – Teacher Training Program!

This meditation training provides support to anyone wishing to deepen their meditation practice, incorporate mindfulness techniques into your existing profession, or teach friends and family members privately.

It’s Meditation For Everyone (MFE) – created for those of us who want to improve our own focus, self-awareness, self-confidence, inspire creativity, and become strong, calm, positive leaders in any field.

Andy designed this program so that individuals can learn and really understand meditation, and then share these valuable ‘skills trainings’ with others.  Andy offers a unique approach to practicing and teaching meditation – molded around his own teaching experience, his extensive education with the Chopra Center, The Center For Mindfulness, and Yoga teacher trainings; he created this program to be relevant and support everyone looking for skills that nurture and awaken you to your best life.

“The first night of my MFE Teacher Training, I had a very real sense that this was exactly the place I needed to be, and exactly what I needed to be doing. I remember calling my parents on the drive home, telling them about Andy, and saying, “I just want to be that guy.”Three years later, and now, I am that guy: I get to teach meditation most every day of my working life, I get to bring these practices into schools, yoga studios, and prison, and I get to lead my own teacher training (which Andy was kind enough to join as a guest speaker). However, none of it would have been possible without Andy and his program, which made a life of sharing meditation seem more possible and accessible than ever before. The weekends spent in MFE deepend meditation for me on a personal level, expanding my understanding and seeing a host of benefits follow; at the same time, I also gained the sense that I could actually make this my livelihood, and even now when Andy and I speak, that feeling comes rushing back: he’s an example of how someone can live into these practices as both a person and a teacher, and what’s possible when someone walks that walk.To my alma maters’ dismay, I value my Meditation Teacher Certification more than all my other degrees combined (it was also exponentially less expensive), and the knowledge I gained in that program has helped bring me to places that seemed impossible only a few years ago. But I’m proof of what can happen when you decide to walk the path — and proof of how helpful it is to have the right people around you when you do.”
-Billy Rosenbeck Certified MFE Guide, 2019
As a meditating mother of four who understood first hand the benefits of parenting with presence, I wanted to share my mindfulness practice with others. I’d begun teaching basics in neighborhood school classrooms, but wasn’t sure if I was doing it right, or if it was okay to be doing it at all. After training with Andy, not only was I certified to instruct the Meditation For Everyone syllabus, but I was also readied to fine tune my own programming and clearly map out a purposeful plan for my peace education practice. Andy is the real deal. He offers an empowering certification for meditation teachers. With extensive experience in public schools, he pairs practical instruction on working with students and faculty with the loftier topics of mindfulness.”  
– Vanessa Gobes, Certified MFE Instructor, 2014


Overview of the Meditation Teacher Training Program

FJ0A9989The training will be led by Andy Kelley, a certified meditation teacher with the Chopra Center and accomplished leader in the field of mindfulness and spirituality, as well as other seasoned meditation teachers. For over 15 years now, Andy has been teaching a wide range of meditation and mindfulness techniques to a variety of people around the world.

Andy will be joined by a guest faculty speakers – experts in the fields of mind body health, yoga, social media marketing, and other relevant guests.

Level 1 MFE Teacher Training Program

2019 Certified MFE Meditation Guides!

The Level 1  MFE Teacher Training Program consists of 4 weekend modules, spread over the course of 3 months at R3Bilt 502 Granite Ave, Milton MA.  The first two modules are there to support, deepen, and solidify your own daily mediation practice followed by 2 consecutive Teacher Training Intensive weekends in MARCH  2025.   

It is an extensive study in the history and practice of meditation on both the Vedic and Buddhist sides, as well as dissecting the avalanche of science that is out there that supports this daily mind training practice.  You will receive your own personal mantra and commit to a daily practice.

The MARCH 2025 Intensive is an immersion into your own personal meditation practice as well as practical training in teaching meditation.

The intensive incorporates meditation practices, education about the effects of stress on the body and mind, learn how to step out of your story and into conscious ‘in the moment’ choice making, take restorative yoga and other movement practices (no experience required), attend discussions and group exercises, and develop a deep lifelong connection with your new meditating friends.

Certification  Process

2020 Certified MFE Meditation Guides!

The Boston Buddha – Meditation For Everyone, certification is our own.  Our program is established in Andy Kelley’s 15 years of continued success with reaching and helping people become happier in their lives.  While this certification is based on knowing a set of meditation standards, it’s our mission is to help you become qualified to teach meditation to everyone.


“We’re establishing safety by continuing to practice daily ourselves and by being real with each other.  The fact is, if I’m asking someone to trust me, and then telling them to meditate twice a day… I had better be doing it myself – because we’re all in this together.”  – Andy Kelley

Our focus is very practical and straightforward – we give you the foundation in the first two weekends, focusing on the mythology, Sanskrit, Vedic, Buddhism, the science, and specific techniques.  The last two weekends we work on the practical application of meditation and mindfulness – bringing our own experience into the teachings – connecting more deeply with ourselves – so we can connect more deeply with others and reach more people in our community.

“For years, I’ve been telling my wife that we have plenty of amazing quality yoga teachers  – what this world needs now more than ever is quality meditation teachers. We think we’ve created something special here that seems to connect with a wider audience that might not otherwise be inclined to meditate.” – Andy Kelley

Become a Meditation Guide! Our meditation teacher training program is a model that has to do with guiding students. We’re not changing or trying to fixing anyone – there’s nothing to fix. We’re allowing the students to find their own path to wholeness with just the right amount of ‘guidance’ and relateability. Because after all, they’re already whole.  Upon successful completion of the program, you’ll receive our certificate and be qualified to teach simple, easy, and powerful meditation and mindfulness techniques.  These techniques include:

• Body/Breath Awareness Techniques

• Self-Inquiry Practice

• Silent Mantra/Sutra Meditation Techniques

• Mindfulness Practices

• Compassion Meditations


Training Dates for R3Bilt WINTER 2025

Introduction To Mantra Meditation

Saturday, January 25, 11:30-5
Sunday, January 26, 11-5

Introduction To Mindfulness Meditation

Saturday, February 8, 11:30-5
Sunday, February 9, 11-5

Teaching Meditation & Mindfulness Part 1

Saturday, March 1, 11:30-5
Sunday, March 2, 11-5

Teaching Mindfulness Part 2 & Graduation Weekend

Saturday, March 8, 11:30-5
Sunday, March 9, 11-5

Program Tuition
Earlybird tuition for the FULL Teacher Certification Program is $1800. A down payment of $450 will hold your spot and lock you into the $1800 rate. After DECEMBER 31, 2024 the fee increases to $2000. Space is limited to 20 students. Tuition does not include meals, transportation, or accommodations during the training.

Contact us about The Boston Buddha’s Meditation For Everyone – Teacher Training Program