Take Your Time

There’s only one shortcut in life to being a good person – just be a little bit better today than you were yesterday.” – Lewis Young (The Milton Food Pantry)

This morning, as I whisked into Tedeshci’s hunting for my creamer, I was greeted with a “Good Morning” by a customer in line at the register.  I replied back and smiled but continued on at my typical frenetic pace toward the refrigerated goods.  I was on task and not about to be derailed.

Moments later, I trotted back with what I initially went in for plus newfound necessities, and stood behind this man waiting to pay.  He moved aside and said, “Please take care of her first… I may get just a few more things” and he turned to me, proceeding to lighten the load from my full arms.  I smiled and stopped this time.  You know when you are so in your head, you are almost startled by kindness?

As I walked out, he opened the door for me and slowly but clearly said, “Take your time, take your time…”  Now, if you know me, you know how important this sentiment is.  I = rush.

I began my drive home and thought about how fortunate I was to have my day altered by this gentleman – how this simple interaction shifted me.  I kept listening to his voice in my head, repeating his simple yet sophic advice to slow down.  I felt compelled to go back and tell him.  So I did.  We chatted for a bit and he shared more wondrous smiles, thoughts and stories.  He feels lucky and blessed.  When he wakes up in the morning, when he opens his eyes, he knows he has been given another day to spread joy.

I asked if I could take a video of him because I wanted to share his sentiment.  He obliged.

Here he is.  May I introduce 71 year old, Mr. Louis Young… “Forever” (which he added after shaking my hand).


How stunning life is when you take the time to recognize and savor the little things, the ingenuous joys… They can certainly brighten one’s day, even one’s outlook if you let them in.

So, today, feel free to heed his advice – “Take your time, take your time.”

Catharine =)

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